European Union of Young Diplomats
About the Project
Elementary and High Schools Across the Czech Republic
Would you like to experience the role of a European politician? Would you like the chance to propose innovative solutions to make the European Union better for all its citizens? Are you interested in discussing the EU with someone truly knowledgeable, such as a Member of the European Parliament? We can make that happen! And if you’re concerned about traveling far or missing too much school, there’s no need to worry – we will bring the experience directly to your classroom.
We are currently organizing the „European Union of Young Diplomats“ project at elementary and high schools across the Czech Republic. Through this project, you will have the opportunity to engage with current European issues. If you’re worried that your knowledge or skills may not be enough, don’t be! We will equip you with everything you need, providing guidance and materials to help you succeed. You will also have the unique opportunity to interact with a special guest who will share valuable experiences and insights.
You will be the one, you will be the DIPLOMAT!
We extend our sincere thanks to the Erasmus+ program for their generous support of the project.
As part of the „European Union of Young Diplomats“ project, participants will discuss and negotiate one or two agenda items of their own choosing. They may select from the topics proposed by us or introduce topics of their own.
Each project day consists of the following segments:
– Warm-up activities
– European Union introduction
– Interactive discussion with a decision-maker
– Simulation of a European Parliament session
– Evaluation activities
– Closing ceremony of the project day
The project is expected to start at 8:00 and end at 13:30.
The project day will be preceded by preparation in the form of the European Council, during which students will select agenda items, and the European Commission, during which they will prepare drafts of legislative documents incorporating the selected goals specified within the European Council. This preparation can be done either within social studies classes under the teacher’s guidance or online as homework. The method of preparation will be individually chosen with each school.
Practical Information
Project Participation Costs
Participation in the European Union of Young Diplomats educational project is entirely free of charge.
Project Participants
The project is intended for elementary and high school students.
Required Equipment
To ensure the smooth execution of our project, we request the provision of projection equipment and suitable seating arrangements for all participants.
Pre-Project Preparation
First, we will coordinate to select a suitable date, a guest for your school, and the method of preparing for the project day, which includes the European Council and European Commission sessions. Students will then register as participants and choose a country they would like to represent in the simulated European Parliament session. Subsequently, participants, and possibly their teachers, will receive materials for individual or group preparation for the project.
What to Take with You to the Project Day
All educational and informational materials, as well as notebooks or writing supplies, will be provided to participants at the start of our project day. To complete interactive quizzes, we kindly ask students to bring their mobile phones if possible.
We also recommend bringing a laptop, as students will be working in teams to draft or adjust documents during the project. While we suggest using computers for this task, it is, of course, possible to work without them.
Jak se na projektový připravit?
Doporučujeme projít si a nastudovat především materiály, které zašleme účastníkům pro přípravu. Každý účastník od nás obdrží „Delegátova průvodce“, ve kterém nalezne základní informace o Evropské unii a projednávaných bodech agendy. Doporučujeme se také dopředu seznámit s jednacím řádem simulovaného jednání, který bude nedílnou součástí průvodce.
Je nutná znalost světových jazyků?
Celý projekt se bude odehrávat výhradně v českém jazyce, a to včetně simulovaného zasedání Evropského parlamentu i diskuze s našimi vzácnými hosty.
Pořízení foto a video dokumentace projektu
Z projektu bude pořízena volně šiřitelná foto a video dokumentace projektu. Podmínkou účasti na projektu je tedy udělení souhlasu spolku Mladí diplomaté, z.s. s pořízením foto a video dokumentace vlastní osoby delegáta.
Kdo nese odpovědnost za účastníky projektu?
Mladí diplomaté, z.s. nenesou v průběhu konání projektu za účastníky žádnou právní zodpovědnost. Všichni účastníci nesou v průběhu účasti realizace na projektu odpovědnost sami za sebe. Veškeré způsobené hmotné i nehmotné škody tak budou včetně příslušenství vymáhány po viníkovi.
V případě porušení Podmínek účasti na projektu může být zároveň účastník z projektu vyloučen.